International Orienteering Federation

Start list for Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League 2019 (Middle/Long) - Stage 5

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Name: Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League 2019 (Middle/Long) - Stage 5
Organisers: Apex Action / Orienteering Association of Hong Kong, China
Date: 8 December 2019


3 900 m, 7 entered competitors
Bib numberPunching card numberNameOrganisationStart time
3551815317PATRICIA WONGThe Hong Kong Award for Young People10:50
47821419123KA PO JOSEPHINE CHOIY2Y Orienteering Development and Training Center10:51
46151814719HOI SZE CHAUYouth Advance Orienteering Club10:52
54158261330WAI MAN WONGHong Kong Fire Services Outdoor Activity Group10:53
2921815288SIU MUI CHANHong Kong Orienteering Club10:54
24901450539SO HAN HOYouth Advance Orienteering Club10:55
60931423129NINGWEN MAHong Kong Orienteering Club10:56