International Orienteering Federation

Event information: Pro-Active 聖誕三連環 2020 Pro-Active X'Mas 3 Days 2020

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- 於友會定向賽事現場聯絡賽事總監 Tam Wing Chung 領取 (Y2Y公園定向巡迴賽10/4、24/4、1/5 分站)。

- 定向總會集訓隊成員可於體能訓練日子在訓練場地領取。


- 只領取獎牌的參賽者可選擇將地址電郵予本會,本會將以平郵方式將獎牌郵寄至該地址。

*總排名獎項包含易碎獎座及自選禮品, 不設郵寄, 若未能出席定向賽事/訓練現場領取請與本會聯絡商討交收事宜。

得獎名單請參閱「Overall Result」,如有疑問可Whatsapp 6094 0495 查詢。

General information
Event Pro-Active 聖誕三連環 2020 Pro-Active X'Mas 3 Days 2020
Organiser Pro-Active Orienteering Club
Status moved
Date 28 February 2021 at 10:00 - 8 March 2021 at 15:00 local time (UTC+8)
Entry deadline 23 February 2021 at 23:59 local time (UTC+8)
Event form individual
Event classification Club event
Discipline FootO
Event type Others
Punching system Sportident
Class information
Elite classes Men Elite, Women Elite
Normal classes Men Senior, Women Senior, Men Open, Women Open, Men Student A, Women Student A, Men Student B, Women Student B, Men Student C, Women Student C, Novice, Family
Contact details and main officials
Contact person Wing Chung Tam
Contact phone number +852 60940495
Contact email
Event 1
Date 28 February 2021 at 10:30 local time (UTC+8)
Time of event day
Competition format Sprint
Event 2
Date 6 March 2021 at 10:30 local time (UTC+8)
Time of event day
Competition format Sprint
Event 3
Date 7 March 2021 at 10:30 local time (UTC+8)
Time of event day
Competition format Sprint

Location of the event, event 1

Keep in mind that as a competitor you are not allowed to get to know the competition area through intentional reconnaissance, unless it is clearly permitted by the organiser. For details, see the rules.

Driving directions from Google Maps (Always make sure to follow the organiser's driving directions.)

Create a KML file with the location of the arena

Location of the event, event 2

Keep in mind that as a competitor you are not allowed to get to know the competition area through intentional reconnaissance, unless it is clearly permitted by the organiser. For details, see the rules.

Driving directions from Google Maps (Always make sure to follow the organiser's driving directions.)

Create a KML file with the location of the arena

Location of the event, event 3

Keep in mind that as a competitor you are not allowed to get to know the competition area through intentional reconnaissance, unless it is clearly permitted by the organiser. For details, see the rules.

Driving directions from Google Maps (Always make sure to follow the organiser's driving directions.)

Create a KML file with the location of the arena