Official results for Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League 2019 (Middle/Long) - Stage 3

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Name: Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League 2019 (Middle/Long) - Stage 3
Organisers: A123 / Orienteering Association of Hong Kong, China / St. Francis Xavier College Orienteering Club
Date: 31 March 2019

Classes: Show all | M12 | M14 | M16 | M18 | M20 | M21 | M35 | M40 | M45 | M50 | M55 | M60 | W12 | W14 | W16 | W18 | W20 | W21 | W35 | W40 | W45 | W50 | W55 | ME | WE


2 300 m, 9 starting competitors
1WAI CHING VICKIE WONGz(Reserved)46:20
2YUK CHING WINSOME FUNGHong Kong Orienteering Club46:48+0:28
3LAI KUEN MONA CHEUNGPolice Orienteering Club52:51+6:31
4BO LING CHEUNGHong Kong Orienteering Club55:56+9:36
5WAI YEE MOKHong Kong Orienteering Club58:41+12:21
6MAN CHONG MARIANA AUThe Hong Kong Award for Young People1:01:21+15:01
7KA LAI LEUNGHong Kong Orienteering Club1:12:56+26:36
8KIT LING FUNGHong Kong Orienteering Cross-country Club1:21:58+35:38
HANIFA ISMAILHong Kong Orienteering Clubover max time

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